Monday, September 2, 2024

Museum/Exhibit/Design Inspiration: Disney Research

Many museum folks dislike Disney and its theme parks. But even if you're not a Disney fan, it's worth checking out what the Disney Research folks (and their research partners) are up to.

On the Disney Research website, they present research papers and show videos of some of their cool concepts like "Stuntronics" (which uses robotic technology to produce stunt-double animatronics)  or "Magic Bench" (pictured below) which introduces "mixed reality" experiences and characters into an environment without headsets. 

The Disney Research website offers dozens of inspirational ideas (including, in many cases, information about materials used) that can really push you to consider new technological possibilities for your projects -- even if you have to adapt them to museum-sized budgets! (Paper Electric Generators, anyone?)

For more information, visit the Disney Research website and check out the DisneyResearchHub on YouTube as well. 

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Paul Orselli writes the posts on ExhibiTricks. Paul likes to combine interesting people, ideas, and materials to make exhibits (and entire museums!) with his company POW! (Paul Orselli Workshop, Inc.) Let's work on a project together!

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