Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thinking Inside The Box

I like to keep a stash of interesting junk --- stuff I've found from trolling through the aisles of hardware stores, toy stores, office supply stores (o.k. just about any store!) or "leftovers" from previous exhibit projects. It's fun to look at the products on the store shelves and consider the possible exhibit uses for such items.

Having "junk boxes" nearby gives me the opportunity to think about creative reuses for common materials, and also provides a good supply of prototyping fodder for when I'm putting together exhibit ideas.

The design company IDEO employs a similar practice by keeping sets of materials in its offices to serve as inspiration during design projects or creative meetings. The New York Times wrote an article about the practice.

So here are four quick links to serve as inspiration for either starting (or re-stocking) your own "idea box"

Creative reuse of office supplies.

How to repurpose toys to aid in stem cell research.

High Tech/Low Tech Garden Lighting.

A different way to use Sticky Notes.

Have fun tinkering, AND thinking "inside the box"!

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1 comment:

  1. I have an "idea box" too. But mine is full of articles, pamphlets, brochures, membership solicitations, ads, and other things that for some reason I think are uncommonly good . . . or bad. I would say only about half of my box are things about or from the museum field. Like you, inspiration and ideas can come from anywhere!
